
Government Partner



Niger has developed a comprehensive National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (NFPCIP) that outlines strategies and activities to increase access to family planning services and reduce unmet need.

The country has also implemented a number of innovative approaches to expand family planning services, including community-based distribution of contraceptives, mobile clinics, and increasing the availability of long-acting and reversible contraceptive methods.

Commitments made to:

Accelerating Access to Postpartum and Postabortion Family Planning: Workshop Report

May 2024

Accelerating Access to Postpartum and Postabortion Family Planning: Workshop Report

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Committed to Family Planning: Learnings from Nine Countries’ FP2030 Country Commitments

January 2024

Committed to Family Planning: Learnings from Nine Countries’ FP2030 Country Commitments

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Results Roundup: New Findings from First-Time Parent Programs

June 2020

Results Roundup: New Findings from First-Time Parent Programs

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Adding It Up: Investing in Contraception and Maternal and Newborn Health in the Ouagadougou Partnership Countries

December 2018

Adding It Up: Investing in Contraception and Maternal and Newborn Health in the Ouagadougou Partnership Countries

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Nearly half a million doses of Sayana Press (DMPA-SC in Uniject) administered in four countries

November 2016

Nearly half a million doses of Sayana Press (DMPA-SC in Uniject) administered in four countries

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Ouagadougou Partnership: Ministerial, Donor, and Civil Society Declaractions

January 2016

Ouagadougou Partnership: Ministerial, Donor, and Civil Society Declaractions

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More than 165,000 doses of Sayana Press administered in the first year of pilot introduction

November 2015

More than 165,000 doses of Sayana Press administered in the first year of pilot introduction

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