


Scaling Up Family Planning in Zambia



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The Evidence Project, with partners the Population Council and Management Sciences for Health, conducted a two-part study of the Scaling Up Family Planning project (coordinated by Abt Associates and funded by DfID) to identify the contributions, challenges, and lessons learned. The objectives of this research were to:

  1. Provide recommendations regarding the feasibility of integrating the SUFP approach into Zambia’s public sector family planning system at the conclusion of the SUFP project in 2016
  2. Explore the fidelity and adaptation of the SUFP approach during its scale up process
  3. Identify barriers and facilitators to scale up
  4. Better understand the cost implications in determining the scope and pace of scale up
  5. Contribute to global learning on scale up of family planning program

Part 1 summarizes findings from a qualitative assessment of the acceptability of SUFP, the scale up process, and the feasibility of continuing the SUFP approach under the government health system after the end of the project. Part 2 presents findings from a costing study that examined the cost implications in determining the scope and pace of scale up. Together, these reports contribute to Zambia’s national policy priorities and strengthening the international evidence on public sector strategies to bolster FP service delivery.

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