


FP2030 and Share-Net Colombia Funding Opportunity!



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FP2030 and Share-Net Colombia are excited to announce a call for proposals aimed at organizations interested in developing knowledge translation products in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights for populations affected by crises. Selected organizations will receive up to $7,000 USD to support their projects. 

To learn more about the application process and eligibility requirements, we invite you to watch our informative webinar recording, available in Spanish only with English subtitles, which responds to frequently asked questions. This webinar will provide a step-by-step guide on how to apply, as well as detailed information about the conditions that must be met. You can access the webinar here. 

If your organization is selected, you will receive funding of up to $7,000 USD to develop your knowledge translation product. This financial support is intended to cover costs related to the creation, implementation, and dissemination of your project, ensuring you have the resources needed to make a positive impact on communities in crisis. The deadline to submit your proposal is June 9, 2024. We recommend preparing your application early to ensure all requirements are met and your proposal is as strong as possible. This is a unique opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to improving SRHR and to assist vulnerable communities in critical times.  

Check out our webinar and start your application process today. We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most! 

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