


Did You Miss FP2020’s Webinar on “Exploring Digital Platforms for Family Planning during COVID-19”?

July 29, 2020

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Source:Knowledge Success


COVID-19 & Family Planning

FP2020's webinar on digital health for family planning during the COVID-19 pandemic brought together presenters from a variety of projects, all of which are leveraging technology to meet the needs of their clients in new ways. Missed the webinar? Knowledge Success has provided a recap.

Digital health solutions and platforms—from telehealth to client-centered apps to data management systems—can empower patients and help ensure continuity of voluntary family planning. In the COVID-19 era, these solutions are even more critical as communities face lockdowns and a shortage of family planning supplies.

As Martyn Smith, FP2020’s Managing Director, remarked in his introduction to the Exploring Digital Platforms for Family Planning During COVID-19 webinar on June 16, we are witnessing the “rapid transformation and potential of technology as a critical healthcare tool.” Presenters in the webinar expanded on the many benefits and opportunities digital health solutions can provide as we address the challenges of COVID-19, particularly for family planning and reproductive health.

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