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We believe in developing and implementing health programs that aim to fulfill the rights of all individuals to decide freely and for themselves whether, when, and how many children to have and to act on their choices through access to high-quality information and services, without discrimination, coercion or violence.


FP2030 is grounded in the Rights and Empowerment Principles for Family Planning and based on equality.

Every person has the same right to quality family planning information, products, and services, regardless of their geography, socioeconomic or marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, ethnicity, or culture.

Right-based family planning must be at the heart of commitments from both countries and other stakeholders.

The Rights and Empowerment Working Group (RE WG) has created ten fundamental family planning principles to ensure that FP2020 follows existing rights agreements and frameworks.

1Agency and Autonomy

Individuals have the ability to decide freely the number and spacing of their children. To exercise this ability, individuals must be able to choose a contraceptive method voluntarily, free of discrimination, coercion, or violence. 

Policy and Programming:

Implement national and subnational family planning plans and programs to ensure that women and girls can access and use contraceptive methods of their choice without third-party authorization (e.g. spousal consent, parental consent, religious leaders, or other persons) or other restrictions based on age, ethnicity, marital or other status.


Develop better measures to capture the right to reproductive self–determination, including indicators that touch on community norms and service providers’ attitudes around reproductive autonomy, as well as women’s and girls’ awareness and confidence in their ability to access and use family planning. Such indicators may require special investments such as special studies, in-depth monitoring, and collection and analysis of qualitative indicators to support quantitative measures.

Healthcare facilities, trained providers, and contraceptive methods are available to ensure that individuals can exercise full choice from a full range of contraceptive methods (barrier, short-acting, long-acting reversible, permanent, and emergency contraception). Availability of services includes follow-up and removal services for implants and IUDs.

Healthcare facilities, trained providers, and contraceptive methods are accessible—without discrimination or physical, economic, socio-cultural, or informational barriers.

Healthcare facilities, trained providers, and contraceptive methods respect medical ethics and individual preferences, are sensitive to gender and life-cycle requirements, and respect confidentiality.

Policy and Programming:
Ensure that individuals are confident in their ability to make reproductive decisions, including by prioritizing and elevating acceptability alongside accessibility and availability, and by minimizing provider bias. Such bias might manifest as either: denial of services or promotion of specific methods to certain subgroups or communities.

Effectively collect and utilize disaggregated data to better understand and address issues of accessibility and availability, particularly for marginalized and underserved populations (e.g. adolescents, women in emergency settings, ethnic minorities, etc.).

Ensure that contraceptive products are consistently available at all delivery system levels and promote availability in diverse market segments. This may be achieved by harnessing innovative and varied channels to eliminate stock-outs, reduce financial barriers and provide sustainable access for hard-to-reach and marginalized women and girls.

Individuals have access to contraceptive services and good quality information that are scientifically and medically appropriate. Quality of care is a multifaceted element that includes but is not limited to a full choice of quality contraceptive methods; clear and medically accurate information, including the risks and benefits of a range of techniques; the presence of equipped and technically competent providers; and client-provider interactions that respect informed choice, privacy and confidentiality, and client preferences and needs.

Policy and Programming:
Programs seek to address underlying needs that impede quality, particularly by ensuring that providers have the environment, training, and tools needed to provide quality information, counseling, and service delivery.

Capture quality from both the provider/facility and client perspectives by utilizing indicators that reflect the availability and accessibility of skilled providers as well as more accurate and consistent measures of client satisfaction.

Ensure that products in the public and private sectors meet quality standards.

Individuals are empowered as principal actors and agents to make decisions about their reproductive lives and can execute these decisions through access to contraceptive information, services, and supplies.

Policy and Programming:
National and subnational family planning plans and programs ensure contraceptive use or non–use as a right that contributes to empowerment and gender equity, not simply a high–impact health intervention or contributor to other development goals. These policies, plans and programs should also acknowledge and prioritize where appropriate interventions beyond the health sector that enable women to exercise reproductive decision–making (e.g. life skills, comprehensive sexuality education, girls’ education, creation of employment opportunities for women, etc.).

Conduct periodic collection and analysis of community–based data designed to capture changing perceptions of and barriers to women’s and girls’ ability to access contraceptive services.

Ensure that marketing strategies as well as product and service promotion generate awareness of and promote women’s and girls’ right to access the contraceptive services, information, and supplies of their choice

Individuals have the ability to access quality, comprehensive contraceptive information and services free from discrimination, coercion, and violence. Quality, accessibility, and availability of contraceptive information and services should not vary by non-medically indicated characteristics, such as age, geographic location, language, ethnicity, disability, HIV status, sexual orientation, wealth, marital or other status.

Policy and Programming:
Eliminate policies denying specific populations (e.g., adolescents, unmarried women, etc.) access to contraceptives. In settings where these policies have already been eliminated, ensure that during program implementation, all women and girls, in practice, enjoy equitable access to contraceptive information, services, and supplies, particularly for vulnerable and marginalized populations (e.g. unmarried women, poor, youth and adolescents, geographically isolated populations, etc.).

Conduct and utilize disaggregation of data by wealth quintile, age groups, marital status, geographic residence, and parity to track and ultimately seek to address issues of inequity and discrimination.

Promote equitable access to contraceptive information and services, particularly for socially and physically marginalized groups by addressing the price and range of available service outlets.

Individuals have the ability to access accurate, precise, and readily understood information about a variety of contraceptive methods and their use. To exercise full, free, and informed decision-making, individuals can choose among a full range of safe, effective, and available contraceptive methods (barrier, short-acting, long-acting reversible, permanent, and emergency contraception).

Policy and Programming:
Programs prioritize access to information about and service provision (directly or when necessary through referral) of various methods. The full choice includes ensuring that individuals of all ages and irrespective of marital or other status are able to obtain their preferred contraceptive method.

Strengthen metrics to ensure that indicators of informed choice effectively capture: the provision of accurate, readily understood information about a range of contraceptive methods; and individuals’ access to and ability to choose among a range of high-quality and acceptable contraceptive methods.

Focus on innovative efforts to ensure individuals have a choice across product categories (spacing and limiting), including those acceptable to special populations.

Individuals can readily access meaningful information on the design, provision, implementation, and evaluation of contraceptive services, programs, and policies, including government data. Individuals are entitled to seek remedies and redress at the individual and systems levels when duty-bearers have not fulfilled their obligations regarding contraceptive information, services, and supplies.

Policy and Programming:
Ensure national family planning strategies and plans include accountability and redress mechanisms, including monitoring and evaluation, which are in place and functioning regarding the provision of contraceptive information, services, and supplies. Functioning monitoring and accountability mechanisms should integrate community input and share findings with all relevant stakeholders, including beneficiaries.

Incorporate indicators into monitoring that reflect the community and service users’ point of view regarding availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of information and services, as well as awareness of their rights, entitlements, and mechanisms available to have input and seek redress.

Identify potential accountability and redress mechanisms, which might apply to contraceptive delivery, including those in the private sector. Where these mechanisms already exist, ensure that they are effectively implemented and enforced.

Individuals, particularly beneficiaries, have the ability to meaningfully participate in the design, provision, implementation, and evaluation of contraceptive services, programs, and policies.

Policy and Programming:
Ensure the meaningful participation of diverse stakeholders in the formulation of policy, and in the design, delivery, and oversight of programs, including women and adolescents, poor, vulnerable, and marginalized populations as part of a supportive policy and program environment.

Identify potential accountability and ensure that manufacturers and distributors of contraceptives seek and incorporate diverse consumer perspectives in their planning and market strategies.

We’re dedicated to advancing the rights of people everywhere to access reproductive health services safely & on their own terms.

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