
For Non-Government Stakeholders

Email commitments@fp2030.org with your application or for more information

What’s Included

What is included in a non-government commitment?

All commitments should be ambitious but achievable, made in service of the FP2030 partnership’s guiding principles, and address one or more of the five focus areas. We especially welcome commitments related to meeting the needs of young people and other traditionally underserved and overlooked populations.


Focus Areas
for Commitments

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expand the
& shape the
policy agenda

The partnership, including the Secretariat, have raised awareness of the critical role family planning plays to achieve broader health and wellbeing outcomes.

In the next decade, the partnership will further evolve the narrative for family planning. It will refine and reposition family planning as critical to improving individual prosperity, Universal Health Coverage, human capital outcomes, and advancing the gender, health and women’s rights goals.

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It will also focus efforts to ensure countries have the best evidence available to make informed decisions on policy to strengthen family planning programs, and that those policies are fully implemented.

Success Statement

Political commitment and policy environment are expanded and consistently supportive

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drive data
& evidence-informed
decision making

Data has been a strength of the partnership, establishing 18 agreed upon core indicators tracked across FP2020 focus countries.

Building on the foundational work of the Demographic Health Survey and other key data sources, FP2020 data partners have developed new methods for analyzing data, increased the capacity of data users, and established a reporting process that allows countries and partners to use data to better track progress and make decisions.

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In the future, we will expand this work to ensure data is timely, key gaps in data are filled, and greater capacity for data use is built at the country level. This requires investment in data systems, human capacity/training, as well as ongoing experimentation with new methods for collection, analysis, and use.

Success Statement

Policies and programs are improved through evidence-informed decisions

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& efficiently
use financing

The partnership has long placed value on increasing the overall funding available for family planning, both at the global and the country level.

Looking forward, this work will be targeted to help foster resilient and sufficient financing. A combination of country-led domestic resource mobilization, targeted emphasis on the role of the private sector (including better understanding out-of-pocket expenditures), and ongoing donor funding will create a more holistic approach to financing.

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Success Statement

Family planning financing is sufficient and resilient, with countries increasingly able to sustainably finance their family planning work

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social & gender

Social, cultural, and gender norms significantly and directly affect the ability of women and adolescent girls to control matters related to their reproductive health, adopt healthy reproductive health behaviors, including the informed and voluntary use of modern contraception, which has an impact on their overall health and well-being, as well as that of their family, community, and country.

Programs must support advocacy and interventions that address harmful norms and practices like early marriage and gender-based violence, as well as positive norms like keeping girls in school, involving men and boys as healthy partners in contraceptive use, and promoting the healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy.

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The partnership will increasingly emphasize efforts to promote positive normative change.

Success Statement

A woman or adolescent girl’s decision to use modern contraception is supported and accepted

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improve system
to individual
rights & needs

The partnership has long recognized that quality of information, services, and supplies is crucial to meeting the needs of women and girls and to growing and sustaining family planning programs.

Post-2020, the partnership will continue to expand its work in this area, encouraging the development of systems that are responsive and accountable to meeting the needs of all⁠—women, men, youth, and adolescents⁠—no matter where they live or their economic status.

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A user-centric approach to improve market dynamics will help pave the road for healthy and sustainable family planning services and products. Support for family planning is an essential part of all emerging funding mechanisms, including as a component of the initial benefits packages established on the path to UHC.

Success Statement

Health systems meet the information, service, and supply needs of individuals

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Also to Consider:

SMART and Context-Responsive Strategies

Outline the organization’s family planning objectives and strategy:

Take strategic decision-making about priorities for the next three to five years into consideration

Establish a clearly articulated goal, based on SMART principles (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound)

Goals are related to advancing family planning in a targeted country through political, policy, advocacy, financial, and/or programmatic means

Commitments are grounded in existing data and evidence and align with country-defined family planning goals

Also to Consider:

Inclusive and Transparent Processes for Development, Implementation, and Accountability

FP2030 partnership commitment makers pledge to participate in annual self-reporting as part of the overall accountability approach. Commitment makers are invited to participate in an annual streamlined self-reporting process. The process will focus on measuring progress against the organization’s commitment, and published annually on the partnership’s website.

The following critical metrics and milestones must be recorded:

Quantitative review of existing commitment and progress made against key indicators over the year:

  • Money disbursed
  • Geographic areas covered
  • Women/girls reached with services, advocacy messages, etc.

Qualitative capture of the value of partnership, lessons learned, and how to improve collaboration:

  • What coordination, collaboration, or innovation did the partnership allow your organization to achieve?
  • What more could the partnership do to help you achieve success against your commitment?
  • Personal or organizational success stories, including of a particular woman or girl, that occurred over the past year.
  • Any impact on a sector or issue area not originally captured in your commitment.
Learn more about accountability
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