GOJoven Honduras

Non-Government Partner

GOJoven Honduras

Through their work, GOJoven Honduras has contributed to improving access to education and services on the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people.

This has been done in alliances with national and local governments and community-based organizations in the various departments of the country where GOJoven has a presence, such as Francisco Morazán, Santa Bárbara, Atlántida and Colón, managing to contribute to the improvement of sexual and reproductive health indicators, the decrease in the rate of teenage pregnancy, the prevention of gender-based violence and also in promoting access to comprehensive sexual health services

Commitments made to:

At A Glance

GOJoven Honduras Association is the first Honduran organization in the development of leadership and mobilization of young people in favor of Sexual and Reproductive Health, besides being the first youth organization that has a training methodology duly endorsed and certified by CONEANFO.


GOJoven Honduras Commitment Narratives

  • Strengthened the capacities of 1,500 adolescents and young adults aged 12 to 30 on Sexual and Reproductive Health, including Sexual and Reproductive Rights from a gender and youth perspective. This will enable them to make healthy and responsible decisions about their emotional lives through workshops, educational fairs, forums, and informative and educational talks, among other activities.
  • Empowered 1000 girls, adolescents, and women from Franciscno Morazan, Santa Barbara, Colon, and Atlantida.
  • Sensitized 300 healthcare providers and teachers in Francisco Morazan, Santa Barbara, Colon, and Atlantida; for the approach with adolescents and young people.
  • At least 4 youth neighborhood clubs were formed to provide information and contraceptive methods to approximately 500 adolescents and young people in the regions where GOJoven has a presence.
  • Honduras does not have a Comprehensive Sexual Education Law, so advocacy will be carried out with decision-makers so that by 2024 this law will be discussed and submitted for approval; likewise, an initiative will be made to reform the Youth Framework Law.
  • Developed promotion, collaboration, and advocacy actions for developing the National Policy for the Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy (PONAPREA), which will be promoted by the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL).
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