
Local partnerships to accelerate family planning

FP2030 Partnership Fund


The FP2030 Partnership Fund has concluded two rounds of funding challenges, in which grantees submitted ideas to fund catalytic change in their communities.

About the Fund

Too many family planning advocates and organizations are notsufficiently resourced, don’t have access to levers of power or financing, and are not supported to connect with other family planning experts and decision makers to drive solutions. We believe local innovative solutions have the potential to significantly accelerate rights-based family planning, as well as influence, create, or change policies and strategies, especially at the subnational level in FP2030 commitment-making countries. Other issues addressed by the Partnership Fund include: 

  • Lack of flexible funding available to national CSOs and nontraditional actors, including youth-led groups, community-based organizations, faith organizations, trade unions, the private sector, LGBTQ groups, and feminist organizations.  The Partnership Fund is intended to serve communities that may be overlooked or underserved by other funding opportunities. 
  • Limited ability of CSOs to receive funding from traditional family planning donors, participate in decision-making processes, and sustainably engage in national and subnational family planning policy processes. The Partnership Fund seeks to welcome grantees into the world’s largest community of practice focused on family planning, made up of FP2030 commitment makers.  
  • Lack of mutual accountability mechanisms where governments, in collaboration with key stakeholders, are obligated to deliver on the public health commitments they have made, and civil society is galvanized to support the implementation of action plans and engaged to monitor progress toward achieving the commitments along with the government. The Partnership Funds aims to provide financial and technical resources to national civil society groups and nontraditional actors to support their advocacy and accountability efforts  
  • Limited convening power among family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights movements within countries makes it difficult for civil society and nontraditional actors to coordinate and to build bridges with other movements for knowledge sharing and learning.  FP2030 works with the widest possible range of stakeholders to build the most diverse – and therefore the strongest – movement for rights-based family planning.  
Our priorities

The Partnership Fund supports local civil society organizations to advance the following key expected outcomes: 

  • Family planning financing gradually becomes sufficient and resilient, with commitment-making countries increasingly able to sustainably finance their family planning work and transparently track their expenditures. 
  • Political commitment and policy environment are expanded and consistently supportive, leading to a more enabling environment for rights-based family planning at the national and subnational levels.  
  • Health systems meet the information, service, and supply needs of all individuals everywhere. 
  • The quality of family planning services for adolescents and young people is improved, including for those furthest behind and in humanitarian settings. 
  • The capacity of local and community-based actors to meaningfully contribute to the continuation of family planning services during humanitarian crises is strengthened. 

Funding recipients will be expected to bring about positive change in one or a combination of these expected outcomes. What the Partnership Fund offersFP2030 will publish a series of at least three competitive “Challenges” between November 2023 and June 2025, allowing civil society organizations, including youth-led organizations, entrepreneurs, feminist organizations, and other nontraditional actors to secure small grants and implement locally led initiatives to solve a wide range of key family planning problems.The shared thread across the Challenges is the improvement  of rights-based family planning policies and strategies by supporting locally led solutions. Challenges will vary in their specific funding priorities, eligibility criteria, geographic focus, and modalities. Successful applicants to the partnership fund will receive catalytic grants, in line with the key priorities stated above. Partnership grants will cover the following: 

  • Program costs: This makes up the bulk of the grant’s total budget. Program costs include approved program activities directly responding to the Request for Proposal’ priorities. They also include associated staffing costs (up to 30% of all Programs costs), and administrative costs (up to 10% of all Programs costs).  
  • Capacity strengthening costs: Partnership Fund’s recipients will receive earmarked funds for organizational capacity strengthening as part of their award. On average, we expect these funds will amount to 10% of the total grant’s amount. Specific organizational strengthening needs will be identified by funding recipients at the beginning of their project through a self-assessment process, and progress will be monitored throughout the implementation period. 
  • Learning and networking costs: Partnership Fund’s recipients will also receive earmarked funding to participate in learning and networking opportunities On average, we expect these funds will amount to 10% of the total grant’s amount. Specific knowledge sharing and learning opportunities will be identified by Fund recipients at the beginning of their project, in close collaboration with FP2030’s Support Network. 

We’re dedicated to advancing the rights of people everywhere to access reproductive health services safely & on their own terms.

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