Elige – Red de Jóvenes

Non-Government Partner

Elige – Red de Jóvenes

Elige is a civil organization of feminist youth that work for the sexual rights and political participation of young people in Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Elige was created in 1996 as an autonomous space with the aim of promoting the advancement of sexual rights from the perspective of youth and feminists. In 1999 it was legally constituted as a civil association. Throughout these more than 20 years, various projects and activities have been developed, both at a national, regional and international level that have contributed to the progressivity of human rights.

Commitments made to:

At A Glance

The National Strategy for the prevention of adolescent pregnancy since 2015 is aimed at the prevention and care of unintended pregnancies, in addition to addressing sexual violence in girls, in a comprehensive manner with differentiated actors, bringing them closer to the health and welfare system through a series of opportunities that promote the development of their life project in a diverse manner within a framework of their rights.


Elige – Red de Jóvenes Commitment Narratives

  • Promote the project in a comprehensive manner with different actors, bringing them closer to the health and welfare system.
  • Provide opportunities for the development of life projects in a diverse manner within the framework of their rights.
  • Promote Comprehensive Sexuality Education through inter-institutional mentoring.
  • Conduct 30 training processes (workshops, capacity building training) for at least 1000 adolescents and young people to equip themselves with tools and skills for the full exercise of their sexuality, recognizing themselves as subjects of rights but also as political subjects.
  • Promote attendance of adolescents and young people to friendly health services through a campaign.
  • Conduct webinars and actions for dissemination and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda, Beijing+25, El Foro Generación Igualdad, and ENAPEA.
  • Conduct research on early unions and data for advocacy in the prevention of teenage pregnancy.
  • Conduct training processes for adolescents, youth, public officials who work directly with adolescents, and parents/caregivers of adolescents and youth.
  • Strengthen the social decriminalization of abortion through monitoring of the microsite abortaresmiderecho.org and the documentary on abortion.
  • Prepare digital content for social networks to approach information such as teen-friendly services, abortion, violence, and sexuality from pleasure.
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