Cercle des Educateurs Spécialisés Amis de la Personne en situation de Handicap (CESAPH)

Non-Government Partner

Cercle des Educateurs Spécialisés Amis de la Personne en situation de Handicap (CESAPH)

CESAPH as a non-profit and humanitarian organization is committed to the policy of lobbying and advocacy for people with disabilities, as they are still stigmatized and discriminated against at the community level.

They will collaborate with local administrative institutions to discuss the difficulties faced by people with disabilities; meetings in favor of the latter will be organized once every three months. The expected results of this commitment are that at least 350 people with disabilities will be trained on the texts governing people with disabilities, their rights and duties.

Commitments made to:

At A Glance

CESAPH’s commitment is to advocate for people with disabilities, because their rights are always violated, including sexual and reproductive rights.

Cercle des Educateurs Spécialisés Amis de la Personne en situation de Handicap (CESAPH) Commitment Narratives

  • We are going to plead to the authorized authorities that people with disabilities are people like the others, that they should benefit from what the other so-called normal people benefit from.
  • We will convince these authorities that these people should benefit from sensitization sessions in SRH and that they have the right to voluntary contraceptive methods.
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