Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos

Non-Government Partner

Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos

We commit to activating campaigns that focus on preventing unwanted or unplanned pregnancies among adolescents through common sense approaches.

Therefore, we will launch two communication campaigns that will each reach 80,000 people through the use of social networks and exploration of new digital platforms. With key messages, diverse spokespersons, and specific demands, we generate conversation on this topic that requires political will from state actors.

Commitments made to:

At A Glance

We commit ourselves, in the following years, to activate in the field of common senses; For this reason, we will launch 2 communication campaigns that influence the right of adolescents to prevent unwanted / planned pregnancies. We hope that each of them will reach 80,000 people, through the use of social networks and exploration of new digital platforms. With key messages, various spokespersons and specific demands, we generate conversation on this topic that requires the political will of state actors.

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