
Salman Khalid

Communications Manager Asia Pacific Hub


Oren Jusu

Oren Jusu


Gloria Masula

Gloria Masula

Salman is a strategic communicator and a storyteller and with over 15 years of experience working in diverse contexts across South Asia, East and North Africa, and the Middle East, he has developed a unique perspective on communication approaches that are effective in challenging environments.

Before joining FP 2030, Salman worked with the UNFPA and UN Women, where he focused on communications around sexual and reproductive health, with a particular emphasis on women’s and girls’ needs in marginalized settings. He played a key role in advocating for and articulating the importance of these issues, helping to raise awareness and support.

Salman has also chaired the United Nations communication group in Libya, where he was responsible for driving forward strategic communications around key issues facing the country. He also spearheaded the Somalia Security and Justice Knowledge Hub in East Africa, helping to develop effective communication strategies to support this key initiative.

Salman holds master’s degrees in International Relations and Computer Sciences, blending both to develop innovative and effective communication approaches to complex social issues. He recently completed the UNSSC’s course on UN Strategic Communications for the UN 2030 Agenda, equipping him with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver desired communication outcomes in alignment with the global sustainable development goals.

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