
Nesrine Talbi

Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience (EPR) consultant


Stacey Smith

Stacey Smith


Natalia de León Tello

Natalia de León Tello

Nesrine Talbi is the Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience (EPR) consultant for FP2030 and has extensive experience at global, regional, and national levels on SRH in emergencies and the need for strong preparedness strategies as key to resilience building.

Nesrine Talbi was the lead author of the revised MISP Readiness Assessment (MRA), developed by IPPF and UNFPA and also substantially contributed, with IPPF and FP2020, to the SRH Preparedness resource ‘Ready to Save Lives’. She supports UNFPA regional offices in East and Southern Africa, West, and Central Africa, and Arab States for the implementation of the MRA at the national level.

Prior to her consultancy work, Nesrine worked with the IPPF European Network as a Senior Humanitarian Program Advisor and coordinated the work of regional Eastern Europe and Central Asia Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on Reproductive Health in Crisis. She previously worked for several NGOs in the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, and Ecuador as well as for the European Commission Delegation in Cambodia.

She holds a master’s degree in management of humanitarian programs from the Institute of International Relations in Paris in collaboration with BIOFORCE Institute.

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