


Mande Limbu

Director, Advocacy and Partnerships


Monica Kerrigan, MPH

Monica Kerrigan, MPH


Dr. Sheila Nyawira Macharia

Dr. Sheila Nyawira Macharia

Mande Limbu is the Director of Advocacy and Partnerships at FP2030. She oversees and coordinates FP2030’s engagement across critical areas including global advocacy, -accountability, and partner relations.

Mande Limbu is a policy and advocacy professional with over 10 years of experience shaping policy agendas and advocacy strategies to improve reproductive and maternal health. Her expertise lies in successfully leading national and global advocacy campaigns to influence the prioritization and financing of family planning and maternal and child health programs.

Mande has previously worked as a senior manager for advocacy and civil society engagement at FP2020 in Washington, DC, senior advisor for global policy and advocacy at White Ribbon Alliance in Washington, DC, and director of sexual, reproductive, and maternal health at CARE Tanzania.

Mande holds a JSD from Cornell University and LLM from Georgetown University. Originally from Tanzania, Mande is fluent in Swahili and English.

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