
Justin Ngong

Officer, Communications, North, West & Central Africa Hub


Twambilire Harris Mwabungulu

Twambilire Harris Mwabungulu


Edith Ogada

Edith Ogada

Justin Ngong is a Communication Professional with over six years of working experience in the Communication, health and development sectors, with special attention on HIV/AIDS clinical care management.

Adolescents and youth Health has been the centre of his work for the past five years, reasons why he is Co-Founder and Programs Lead of the thriving youth led organisation: Youth 2 Youth; advocating for improved adolescent health and wellness in the fragile and humanitarian sector. Justin has served as Cameroon National Youth Focal Person for Family Planning 2030, a member of We Trust Youth Network, KECTIL Fellow West and Central Africa regional Coordinator in 2017, Network member of the Society of Gynaecologist and Obstetrician of Cameroon’s advocacy for comprehensive abortion care (SOGOC/ACAC) project supported by FIGO, UNLEASH Plus 2021 Alumni, East Africa Learning Circles Alumni. Justin holds a couple of diplomas in Project Management, monitoring and evaluation, Humanitarian and public diplomacy, a master degree in political science and a PhD Fellow at the University of Bamenda-Cameroon. He has a strong passion for Health and Education Policy Development in Africa. 

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