


Jason Bremner, PhD, MPH

Senior Director, Data & Measurement


Sumita Banerjee

Sumita Banerjee


Dr. Samukeliso Dube

Dr. Samukeliso Dube

Jason Bremner, PhD MPH, is Family Planning 2030’s Data & Measurement Senior Director.

Jason joins the FP2020 Secretariat, bringing more than 15 years of experience providing technical leadership on research translation, policy analysis, data for decision-making, and individual and institutional capacity building.

Jason was the Associate Vice President for International Programs, Program Director for Population, Health, and Environment, and Deputy Director for the USAID-funded PACE Project at Population Reference Bureau (PRB).

Jason received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina and has an MPH in global health from Emory University. He also has a wealth of direct country experience in many of the FP2020 focus countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

As the Data and Performance Management Director, Jason leads the effort to embed the use of data and performance management approaches through a performance monitoring and analysis of the FP2020 movement to provide trusted and transparent information regarding progress towards reaching the FP2020 goals and strengthened accountability for implementation of financial, policy, and programming commitments made by country governments, donors, the UN, civil society, and other stakeholders.

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