
Dr. Jameel Zamir

Senior Technical Lead - Country Engagement Advisor, Asia and Pacific Hub


Althea Wolfe

Althea Wolfe


Sumita Banerjee

Sumita Banerjee

Dr. Jameel has over two decades of experience in designing, managing, and evaluating human rights-based family planning and sexual reproductive health & rights (SRHR) policies and programs in Asia and the Pacific countries.

He served as Director of Programmes and Performance at IPPF East, Southeast Asia, and the Oceania Region (ESEAOR) providing strategic leadership in the development and implementation of the program for the region, and led a team of experts who provided technical assistance to national organizations in 25 countries.

Previously he served as Director of Institutional Delivery and Bid Development at IPPF South Asia Regional Office (SARO) covering 9 countries. He has extensively traveled to intervention sites in Asian countries and managed large-scale multi-country and multi-donor projects in development and humanitarian settings. The key areas he has worked on include quality of care, hybrid service delivery models, networking, and strategic partnerships, youth-led and gender transformative programming, engaging men and boys, FP & SRH integration, diverse SOGIESC inclusion, and engaging marginalized communities.

He led research projects: Gender, Masculinities and Sexual Health in South Asia; The Status of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Asia and the Pacific; and Expanded and Informed Contraceptive Choices in India. The research findings were converted into policies, products, and practices for improving program quality.

He served as a member of the IPPF Global Taskforce on COVID 19 supporting national organizations in implementing novel models like digital health. He has co-authored the UNFPA and IPPF’s Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Package for Men and Adolescent Boys, 2017.

Prior to joining IPPF, he served as Project Director of FPAI’s Small Family by Choice Project (1994-2014) funded by IPPF and BMGF, which impacted the lives of 6.2 million people in MP, India. The Project was bestowed with the Commonwealth Award for Excellence. He is a board member of the MenEngage Alliance and sits on the WHO HRP Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG).

Dr. Jameel holds Ph.D. and a Master’s degree in Population Studies from the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) as well as Master’s degrees in Statistics and Business Administration.

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