
Andrea Goetschius

Senior Communications Manager


Emily Geist

Emily Geist


Karla Jimenez

Karla Jimenez

Andrea Goetschius is the Senior Communications Manager for FP2030, where she is responsible for knowledge management, as well as communications project management.

She has 15 years of experience in communications for public and global health, including expertise in communications strategy, knowledge management, materials development, and visual communication.

Prior to joining FP2030, she was a health communication consultant with JSI. While there, she led communications efforts for two national HIV technical assistance centers for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients, in addition to contributing to a wide range of communications and social marketing projects at national, state, and county levels.

Andrea was senior communications manager for the Maternal Health Task Force at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, leading knowledge management and communications efforts. She developed communications strategies for the 2015 Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference in Mexico City and the 2013 Global Maternal Health Conference in Arusha, Tanzania. She began her health communications career as a graphic designer for Ipas.

Andrea earned a master’s degree in health communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design from Alfred University.

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