
Althea Wolfe

Coordinator, North America and Europe Hub


Dakshitha Wickremarathne

Dakshitha Wickremarathne


Dr. Jameel Zamir

Dr. Jameel Zamir

Althea Wolfe is the Coordinator for the North America and Europe Hub.

Before joining FP2030, Althea Wolfe worked at the Center for Public Health and Human Rights as a research assistant specializing in reproductive coercion and sexual violence experienced by women living with HIV.

Her projects have focused on the understudied intersections between violence, reproductive autonomy, and stigma/discrimination, particularly in areas of conflict.

Althea received a Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience from the University of Southern California and recently graduated from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with her Master of Science in Public Health degree. At Johns Hopkins, she was a Global Health Established Field Placement Fellow and received a certificate in LGBTQ Health.

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